Sunday, December 20, 2009

"Aia Malanca" a Naturally Water Boom From Solok Selatan

"Aia Malanca" is one of the existing natural wonders in Sangir Solok Selatan exact area and access to streaming into the area could be through the village of Nagari Sungai Rambutan Lubuk Gadang Sangir District, there "Aia Malanca". So called because the flow is water that flows over the sunken rocks. With this condition, we can surf (malanca) in the flow. To reach this location, we can use two-wheeled vehicles and four wheels. The distance is about 8 kilometers from Padang Aro which is the capital city of Solok Selatan. Here we can find the natural wonders of the existing bathhouse where the water slide (Like Water Boom) is formed naturally by Nature

location scenery is very beautiful location, from "Aia Malanca" we can just look with very clear views to Mount Kerinci are in garnished with tea plantations. unfortunately tourism potential is not fully managed by party / institution authorized in Solok Selatan area which in this case is the Government did not rule daerah.namun this area will be managed by private parties in order to increase revenues in Solok Selatan Tourism, especially from the field.
here are some photos that have location "Aia Malanca".


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